Astazi vreau sa fac repede repejor un tag pe care l'am primit de la Flory si ii multumesc ff mult,esti o scumpaa!:*
1.Are you named after anyone?
Dap,dupa nasa mea pe care o cheama acolo si numele de Alexandra:)
2.When was the last time you cried?
Aseara...cand m'am uitat la Pariu cu Viata.
3.Do you have any kids?
Nup...sunt prea mica:))
4.If you were another person,would you be a friend of yourself?
Hm..cred ca da:).
5.Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Doar in anumite cazuri..rareori:D
6.Will you ever bungee-jump?
Daca voi avea ce nu:))
7.Whats your favorite cereals?
Nu ma prea dau in vant dupa cereale...imi plac doar fulgii de porumb.
8.Whats the first thing you notice about people?
Parul si ochii.
9.What is your eye color?
10.Scary movie or happy endings?
Final fericit..urasc filmele de groazaa!
11.Favorite smells?
12.Summer or winter?
Varaaa clar<3!!
13.Computer or television?
14.What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
15. Do you have special talents? sunt ff sigura...poi stiu sa cant,si imi place ff mult sa pune?:))
16. Where were you born?
17. What are your hobbies?
Imi place ff mult sa fac ma ingrijesc,sa ma machiez..
18. Do you have any pets?
Un motanel pe nume Richie:)
19. Favorite movie?
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sincer..inca nu m'am gandit:))..mai am timp sa ma gandesc:D
21. When was your first slow dance and the song?
Nu mai stiu...
22. Movies you dislike.
Filmele de groaza..cele SF si cele de actiune.
23. What 3 YouTubers/bloggers would you like to meet in person?
Sunt ff multe...vr sa intalnesc toate blogg'aritele si youtube'aritele pe care le urmaresc:x!!
24. Who do you tag:
Tuturor fetelor care vor sa il faca:*
Sper ca va placut,va pup:*!
Mă bucur ca l-ai făcut,te pup !:**
RăspundețiȘtergereUite asa m-ai aflu si eu cate ceva despre tine :)